Need a historian?
PHA Qld maintains a register of historians who may be able to undertake a wide range of consultancies or who are possibly a point of reference for historical or heritage advice or projects you might have in mind. Payment for services is negotiated between the PHA Qld historian and the client.
Peruse the alphabetical list of consultants or categories of skills and expertise to see members who may be able to assist your particular historical or research needs.
Please note that only some of our PHA Qld members are listed here. Other inquiries or possible projects seeking the input or engagement of professional historians should be made direct to the Management Committee of PHA Qld (C/- PHA Qld Honorary Secretary, PO Box 4054, St Lucia South QLD 4067), or else might be able to be included into our regular eBulletin send out to all PHAQ members.
Whilst each PHA Qld member must adhere to the PHA Code of Ethics and Professional Standards for Professional Historians in Australia, PHA Qld cannot guarantee that a member will always be suitable for a specific project or task. PHA Qld provides this list of consultants in good faith, but it reminds those who use it that the PHA Qld members named are independent professionals and should be treated as such.
In memoriam
PHA Qld pays tribute to members who have died, and recognises their contributions and achievements within the history profession.