A number of bursaries are available for PHA members to attend the National Conference in Adelaide in September 2023.

PHA Qld Bursaries

PHA Qld is offering two $300 bursaries for PHA Qld members to attend the conference. These are primarily for new graduates or early career historians to put towards any conference-related expenses (such as travel, registration or accommodation).

Application process:
– email secretary@qldhistorians.org.au, advising you are a current PHA Qld member and are recently graduated or in early career and would like PHA Qld Bursary.

Successful applicants will be decided by the PHA Qld management committee.

Professional Historians Australia Bursaries

Thanks to the generosity of a PHA member who wishes to remain anonymous, Professional Historians Australia has a number of $300 bursaries to assist PHA members attend the Conference. Funds are available to ALL current financial members of PHA and can be put towards any conference-related expenses (such as travel, registration or accommodation).

Application process:
– email admin@historians.org.au, advising you are an established member and would like a PHA Bursary.

In the event that we have more applications than bursaries to distribute, bursaries will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis with the PHA national committee making any final decisions.

Honest History Bursaries

A number of $300 bursaries are available, generously donated by Honest History. These are specifically for early career PHA members, and can be put towards any conference-related expenses (such as travel, registration or accommodation).

Application process:
– email admin@historians.org.au, advising you are an early career historian and would like an Honest History Bursary.

In the event that we have more applications than bursaries to distribute, bursaries will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis with the PHA national committee making any final decisions.