Call for papers: The 17th Australia’s Homosexual Histories Conference

QUEER: The 17th Australia’s Homosexual Histories Conference Adelaide University, 10 -11 November 2017 This annual conference brings together members of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Intersex Queer+ communities, academics, researchers, students, community members and arts workers to explore and discuss histories of LGBTIQ+ life, politics, arts and culture in Australia. The term ‘queer’ is commonly used in two ways. Some people use…

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Vale Dr Rodney Fisher 1942-2017

It is with deep sadness that the Professional Historians Association (Qld) – and Queensland’s broader history community – farewells Dr Rodney Fisher, who passed away in Brazil on 28 June 2017 following a short illness. Fisher is best known for his work in recording the architectural heritage and historic character of Brisbane. After moving to Queensland in 1974, Fisher initially…

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Vale Dr Lorna McDonald OAM 1916-2017

The history community is saddened to learn of the passing of Dr Lorna McDonald OAM. Born in Portland, Victoria in 1916, McDonald moved to Rockhampton with her family in 1963. She studied externally via the University of Queensland, and in 1975 attained a Masters Degree for her thesis on land settlement in the Port Curtis and Leichhardt districts of Queensland.…

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2017 John Douglas Kerr Medal of Distinction: Emeritus Professor Geoffrey Blainey AC

At the Queensland Day Dinner on 6 June 2017, The Professional Historians Association of Queensland and the Royal Historical Society of Queensland presented the 2017 John Douglas Kerr Medal of Distinction to  Emeritus Professor Geoffrey Blainey AC, to acknowledge his excellence in historiography, historical research and writing. Through his research, publications and involvement with the historical community, Emeritus Professor Blainey has provided new insights into Australian history.…

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