Management Committee Annual Report 2011-2012
Welcome everyone to the 2012 Annual General Meeting of the Professional
Historians Association of Queensland and thank you for your attendance here this
evening. It has been a busy year and it is my pleasure now to present the 21st
Annual Report of the Management Committee of the Professional Historians
Association of Queensland.
Patrons: Associate Professor Ross Johnston and Dr Jan Wegner
President: Dr Katie McConnel
Vice President: Dr Jonathan Richards
Hon Secretary: Dr Carmel Black
Hon Treasurer: Geoff Doherty
Committee members: Janice Cooper (Associate Members Representative)
Dr Ruth Kerr
Membership Sub-Committee: Entire Management Committee
Other nonelected representatives, and who were particularly active and made
valuable contributions to the Association during 2011-2012, were:
- Judy Nissen, our ongoing PHA(Qld) rep to our national body ACPHA;
and who also stepped up and became our new PHA(Qld)
Membership Secretary - Dr Neville Buch, who as Editor has transformed our eBulletin
- Dr Bernadette Turner, our ongoing PHA(Qld) rep on the National
Archives Consultative Forum.
Before I highlight the key areas of the Committee’s work this past year I’d
like to first of all take this opportunity to wholeheartedly thank the Executive
and Management Committee and other Representatives for their ongoing
enthusiasm and commitment to our Association. At each of our regular
meetings the Committee has energetically worked towards improving the
profile of our members and the history professional generally. Thank you
to you all for your generous and valuable contribution.
In conjunction with the regular tasks associated with running a
professional body such as ours, which includes the general administration
of meetings and record keeping ,finance, letter writing, updating the
membership register and the member’s work database, acting as
representatives on various bodies such as the National Archives
Consultative Forum, Queensland representative to our national body
ACPHA, PHA representative members on the prestigious John Kerr Medal
of Distinction panel in partnership with the Royal Historical Society of
Queensland, we have undertaken a revamp of the eBulletin which I’m sure
you will all agree now is a stylish and easily accessible information medium
for our members. For this I’d like to particularly thank Neville Buch and Geoff
Doherty being the principal architects of the new look e-Bulletin.
We are undergoing a slight change of the guard this year and we have to
thank but thankfully not farewell two long term members of the Management
committee Geoff Doherty and Judy Nissen. Geoff Doherty who has diligently
and jovially performed his duties as our Treasurer a vital position for any
association. So although Geoff is unable to attend tonight because he is
travelling in Canada I would like to record our sincere thanks for his tireless
work as Treasurer over several years. Geoff has indicated that he will be
continuing his Committee work which is wonderful.
Second, we must also thank Judy Nissen who admirably stepped into the
role of PHA(Qld) Membership Secretary last year . Judy has truly done a
terrific job in this role and has had to on occasions this year deal with a
couple of rather difficult applications which she did subtlety and
professionally. Judy is now taking up this role for the national body and
with the potential for a conflict of interest Judy has not nominated as our
Membership Secretary. I am pleased to report that Judy has indicated that
she is keen to continue her active involvement on the Committee. So
another thank you to Judy Nissen for her ongoing support and service to the
Special thanks to Carmel Black who made every endeavour to maintain her
PHAQ secretarial duties while bedridden with a broken ankle and also to
Jonathan Richards who stepped in and acted as President during my
unplanned and planned absences over the last twelve month – Thank you both.
PHA(Qld) and the Royal Historical Society of Queensland again formed a joint
medal committee to assess the nominations for the John Douglas Kerr Medal
of Distinction in Research and Writing History for 2011. The PHA
representatives on this committee were again Jeff Hopkins-Weise, Ruth Kerr and Judy Nissen, and this year’s very deserving recipient
was one of our patrons Associate Professor Ross Johnston – congratulations
As President I also attended the Queensland Day dinner at the Brisbane Club
on 6 June 2012, and was again invited to be part of the John Kerr Medal
presentations by RHSQ President Carolyn Nolan. It was a wonderful and well
attended night and I extend my thanks on behalf of the PHA to Carolyn for
continuing to ensure the PHA was again well recognised at this important
evening on our calendar.
Membership numbers, although they have dropped slightly to 71, financial
members as at 11 August 2012 consist of
- 61 Professional members
- 9 Associate members
- 1 Graduate Member
Our membership continues to hover in the 70s with new members,
transferring members and returning members roughly equalling departures.
And again this year, a significant membership fees discount has been
offered to all members to encourage prompt renewals and to limit the time
required to process or chase members, although not quite as successful as
in previous years this course of action does entice the majority of us to pay
our dues on time.
eBulletin: The PHAQ’s e-Bulletin has undergone a wonderful transformation
into a new colourful webinterfaced (hyperlinked) format and for this great
step forward we have to warmly thank Neville Buch and Geoff Doherty for
both their time and their enthusiasm. Last year Jeff Hopkins-Weise noted in his President report how fortunate we were to have Dr Neville
Buch come forwardand take up the reins as eBulletin editor. I would like to re-emphasise Jeff’s words and add that Neville has been extraordinarily active
member of the Committee this year and beyond chasing me up for my
President’s message he is actively progressing a revamp of the PHAQ
website, submitted a review of the State of the History Profession in
Queensland. Neville will present a summary of his findings later. I would
therefore to take this opportunity to formally record and offer my thanks, and
that of Management Committee’s to Neville for his extraordinary contribution
this year. Sincere thanks Neville.
Revamp of PHAQ WEB –
Beyond a general revamp of the PHAQ website, ongoing discussion are
underway on how we might safeguard members confidentiality while at the
same time provide a professionally designed template where members
can add/edit their own professional profile as part of a members’ list of
expertise. This is an ongoing matter that the Committee anticipates will be
progressed in the oncoming months.
PHAQ representatives at Unlock the Past Expo –
PHAQ became an exhibitor at the Unlock the Past Expo in Brisbane during
three very cold days in June (25 to 27). The Expo was the biggest event
for genealogical/history work in southern Queensland in recent years.
An invitation was made to members to submit examples of their work, and
images received were placed in a movie clip, shown on a laptop at the PHAQ
Exhibit table. The table area also made use of display posters, examples of
members’ publications, and book sales. Many thanks to Janice Cooper,
Hilary Joan Davies, Geoff Doherty, Jack Ford, Ruth Kerr, Marion Mackenzie,
Patricia O’Shea, Jonathan Richards, and Bernadette Turner for assisting, on site,
with the PHAQ Exhibit. Other PHAQ members were actively involved with other
exhibits, including Robin Trotter at the Indooroopilly & District Historical Society
exhibit, and Shauna Hicks was also a leading Expo presenter. Many thanks to
all the members who contributed material and who supported the Exhibit. And
again thanks to Neville Buch for spearheading our representation at this Expo.
All involved considered the PHAQ presence and exhibit at Unlock the Past Expo
was certainly a worthwhile venture in raising our public profile.
Management Committee meetings:
We have continued to hold our Committee meetings roughly every two months,
and the venue for these meetings has been the Commissariat Store in Brisbane
courtesy of the Royal Historical Society of Queensland, for which PHA again
thanks RHSQ. To show our ongoing appreciation for having I will again send a
letter of thanks (with an appropriate donation cheque) to the President of the
Royal Historical Society of Queensland for the use of the Commissariat Store,
especially as it is a venue we hope to continue to utilised into 2012-13 and also
as repairs are almost complete.
Although I was unable to attend the April Management Committee meeting was
held at Brisbane City Council Archives in Muriel Avenue, Moorooka it proved an
enjoyable and interesting change to our Meeting routine. Annabel Lloyd
presented an overview of some of the new search databases and digitisation
processes from reports a lively discussion followed.
This highlight package I hope provides members with good indication of the
PHAQ’s Management Committee ongoing work.
Katie McConnel, PHAQ President
(26 September 2012)
President Katie McConnel moved that the Report of the Committee of
Management be accepted, seconded by Carmel Black. All present voted in
favour of accepting the report.
President Katie McConnel also moved a special Vote of Thanks to outgoing
Honorary Treasurer Geoff Doherty for his valuable services to the PHAQ
over many years.