PHA Qld and the Royal Historical Society of Queensland are pleased to announce that nominations for the 2019 John Douglas Kerr Medal of Distinction are now being received.
The John Douglas Kerr Medal of Distinction in historiography, historical research and writing was established in 2005 and is awarded annually to a practicing historian of note, as a tribute and witness of esteem to acknowledge excellence in historiography, historical research and writing in the context of Queensland or Australian history in any of its themes and disciplines.

The criteria for the award are:

  • Demonstrated excellence in historical research in any one or more fields of Queensland or Australian history
  • Demonstrated and identified use of wide-spread appropriate source material in the context of the nominee’s research field or fields
  • Demonstrated objective analysis, distillation and interpretation of historical source material leading to the formation of historical arguments arising out of the research
  • Demonstrated acceptance of the highest standards of scholarship as judged by the Queensland community of professional historians, assessing the work of written contributions of the nominee
  • Is currently practicing as a historian at a professional standard  

Further information and nomination forms are available from the Royal Historical Society of Queensland website. Nominations close 31 March 2019.