AHA/CAL Travel and Writing Bursaries
Funding opportunity for Postgraduate Students and Independent Historians
Applications due: 15 March 2013
The Australian Historical Association (AHA) in association with the Copyright Agency
Limited (CAL) is pleased to announce the availability of twelve Travel and Writing Bursaries
linked to this year’s AHA conference at the University of Wollongong, 8–12 July, 2013.
The bursaries are intended to encourage and support emerging historians, particularly those
who would otherwise be unable to attend the conference. The bursary, valued at $700 per
applicant, provides financial assistance to conference participants who have little or no
institutional support to cover their conference costs. These may include postgraduate students
and independent scholars in the fields of history, heritage and museum studies. The bursary is
to be used to cover travel and accommodation; the conference registration fee will be waived.
Click to read more about AHA/CAL Travel and Writing Bursaries 2013